Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snapple: Branding lessons for all

This article will help us to study the very history of modern consumer branding, with the case of Snapple.
First lessons from the first start was to "let founders be founders and not be too quick to apply the artificial laws of marketing to a brand that is still led by them". Later on, brand management with research, a clear positioning, and break the rules by being true to your brand. In 1994, after being acquired by Quaker Oats who succeeded in branding Gatorade and would like to apply that success to Snapple. However, it was a failure, which led to a lesson of "a strategy that works for one brand will never work for another".
In 1997, Snapple's brand was rebuilt by Triarc and it was successful with the root from the brand equity of Snapple. This lesson illustrated that "great brands can never be killed off by bad brand management"

1 comment:

  1. "great brands can never be killed off by bad brand management" ..)

    Is it globally applied?
    Can this example be called universal?

    I think great brands are created with laborious and careful efforts over a long period of time in the minds of people. It is very difficult and time consuming to build great brand, but few mistakes can really make things worse.If repeated/unattended over a period of time, can really harm the product.
