Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Branding Evolution: Dove Story

"Dove Evolution Campaign" can be a very good example of brand evolution when the company use viral advertisment to clarify their brand message so that it is more understandable to your consumers and/or partners.

Since the brand was launched in 1957, the Dove advertising message has been a constant: It's not soap. It's a beauty bar. The picture of cream pouring into the bar was the iconic image Dove used in ads for nearly five decades. However, Unilever downsized from 1,600 brands to 400 in 2002 , nominating Dove to be one of its master brands. No longer just a beauty bar, Dove was to be a beauty brand, encompassing products such as body wash, deodorant, hair care and body lotion. Nothing in its heritage had prepared the brand to represent all of these functions. Dove now had to come up with a message that could speak for all its products. And the message is . "The Real Truth About Beauty" as you can see from video.

1 comment:

  1. I am quite confused about this. It was mentioned that the product line was stretched yet on their advertisement, they still feature the "bar". Are they really coming up with a slogan for a variety of products that encompass the dove brand or are simply redefining the image of the "bar" or the purpose of it. Somehow I feel that their campaign is causing diverse interpretations. One website (http://www.dove.ph/LM/campaign/Campaign_for_Real_Beauty.html) talks about the campaign for real beauty -widening the definition of stereotypical meaning of beauty. But portions of the webpage focused only on the "bar" and how it is different from soap.

    Somehow, their message is not very clear, hence branding problems may be hard to address.
