Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Excellent Posts plus SMART Objectives

First, for those of you who are posting here, your comments/insights are excellent. Second, I hadn't checked on the concept of SMART objectives recently, and per Ronaldo's point in class, others have extended/modified the original SMART elements. Here is an online resource that explains all of these. But I think that the spirit of "why" the idea of "SMART" was created is more important than sticking to any of these models. As we discussed in class, I have seen that "measurable" and "time bound" are the two areas in which students or junior executives typically have difficulties in creating Objectives.

1 comment:

  1. I agree to the point that "measurable" is critical as the criterion. Marketing activities are usually criticized as "no clear relation between marketing expense and sales increase" and so on. I had many difficulties to set effective objectives when I was working on that.
    And, still have no clear way of making it well, that's why I'm here.
