Tuesday, February 1, 2011

IUJ Brand discussion: jump to consclusion

I have an interesting story related to IUJ brand. Tonight I listened a strong debate within two friends related to MBA program in IUJ. The highlight of the dialogue is like this:
A : How to develop IUJ Brand?
B : I think IUJ in next ten years will not change. MBA program will still in this rank, no significant change will be happened. It is because of the location of IUJ where is in a rural area. MBA students should get many business experience by visiting companies and see crowded place so we can observe consumer behavior. If we ask to the other students whether they want to come back to IUJ after graduate to study again in IUJ or not, I believe they will answer that they will not come back in this rural area.

The debate was continuing until B said it is better to increase IR students and forget about MBA because MBA students needs many experiences with business that can not be fond in IUJ.
After heard this discussion I was asking to myself whether B is crazy or not. After I analyze this and then I remembered all Professor Sugai have said in the Brand Management class.

Do you think B is crazy? My answer is absolutely not. I think B is very logical and smart person. He can find the weakness of IUJ Brand that we are proud of. But we have to remember that we are brand manager. Brand somehow is connected emotionally with customers. If we follow the suggestion of B which is forgetting MBA, it will be the same with what executive of Coca Cola have done. They betrayed loyal customers, they were not realizing what make their brand come alive. If we follow B suggestion, it also means that we do the biggest sin for manager which is jumping to the conclusion. I hope through this Brand Laboratory, we will not do the same with what Coca Cola executive have done and we also become well prepared for others attacks.


  1. Thank you very mcuh Hans for sharing the interseting arguement. However, I disagree with Mr.B. I m strongly believe that IUJ have a strong brand of IUJ. In addition, IUJ can make the brand stronger. As noone perfect, so even IUJ is in the middle of snow and rice fields, but it is one of the benefit for the business scholl. Instead of going out for the party every night, IUJ students can concentrate more in study environment friendly at IUJ. The most peaceful university in Niigata!

  2. Yeah, i agree with you guys.
    Location is one of the IUJ's brand element that makes IUJ alive and little different from other business schools. As professor said when we are playing with brand we have to be very careful.

  3. Loved your blog. Brand Management is very important to take a business in a direction to success. Thanks for sharing.
    Brand management
