Friday, January 22, 2010

Question Trees and Competitive Advantage

Thank you for the great discussion in class yesterday. If you are looking for something to post, I was wondering about other Question Tree creation methods. I've been using the Pyramid Principle by Barbara Minto as the foundation for this process, but I'm wondering if you have found or are familiar with other methods.

Also, from our class yesterday on Competitive Advantage, I am still looking for a simple, easy-to-use framework for assessing Competitive Advantage. I've read many books and papers on this, but have never seen a step-by-step framework presented. Because of this, I've made one myself.... but I'm wondering if you know of any others in use.

Your comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

See you in class next week.

1 comment:

  1. This is my first time to learn about question tree. In my work, I became familiar with problem tree. However, this focuses on identifying core issues and the causal relationship. But I wonder if this can be used to complement the use of a question tree. Perhaps it can be a means to validate the structure or coherence of the question tree. One difference I noticed is that the problem tree requires that a problem is truly existing, not possible, imagined or future ones. For the question tree, all else become relevant, be it existing, imagined or foreseeable.

    Here is the link for additional information:
